Archives : May-2024



As companies race to build or modernize intelligent apps that incorporate generative AI, many are finding gaps in their tech-stack modernization efforts as they explore and test use cases.  Recently, Microsoft commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate modernization efforts at globalRead More



Innovate. Connect. Cultivate.  The Cloud Cultures series is an exploration of the intersection between cloud innovation and culture across the globe. Once known for its dominance in the coal, steel, and manufacturing industries, the American Rust Belt is entering aRead More



The marketing and scientific communities are excited about radio access network (RAN) slicing. RAN slicing is one of the important new features of 5G networks; it makes differentiated services possible, enabling new features for customers and network monetization opportunities forRead More



Offers and licensing benefits for Azure VMware Solution, including a new 20% discount Like many customers today, you are probably reevaluating how to best run your VMware workloads, and whether to keep them on-premises or move them to the cloud.Read More