Office 2016 Preview for Windows available



Office 2016 Preview for Windows available

Today Microsoft Announced the availability of Office 2016 Preview

At Convergence 2015 today in Atlanta, Microsoft launched a technical preview of Office 2016 for Windows.
To download , you’ll need to sign up on Microsoft Connect.

Below is an overview of the new features, and newly features that great from a BI perspective.

BI Features

One of the things that really stands out is the direct integration of Power Query into Excel 2016.

Microsoft Power Query for Excel, which was a separate downloadable add-in for Excel 2013 and 2010 is now integrated in Excel. Power Query enhances self-service business intelligence (BI) for Excel with an intuitive and consistent experience for discovering, combining, and refining data across a wide variety of sources including relational, structured and semi-structured, OData, Web, Hadoop, Azure Marketplace, and more.

Also announced today was a technical preview of Skype for Business, which you can download from the   TechNet Evaluation Center.