
When data leads to results … I’ve always been very passionate about data, but likely one of the data pointers that I voided looking at was weight gain, primarily due to lack of exercise… that’s right … the personal numbersRead More
Just a quick blog to showcase the integration of Power BI in a blog article. This article will be updated with details and samples.

Are you ready to Power BI? With the most recent release of Power BI, you really can take advantage of unlocking insights on any data by using the great capabilities provided through the Power BI platform through native apps forRead More

14 sessions I would recommend to anyone at Ignite. (for data platform and business analytics) I’ve been to a lot of conferences, so many that I can’t remember how many I’ve been at. Starting 14 years ago, I attended myRead More

Today Microsoft Announced the availability of Office 2016 Preview At Convergence 2015 today in Atlanta, Microsoft launched a technical preview of Office 2016 for Windows. To download , you’ll need to sign up on Microsoft Connect. http://blogs.office.com/2015/03/16/announcing-the-office-2016-it-pro-and-developer-preview/ Below is anRead More

As announced on the Power BI blog a while ago, and also very well described on how to Embed your Excel Workbook into a blog or web page, it is actually pretty cool to embed a Power BI workbook withRead More

Well, I’ve done a lot of visualizations with Power BI, and pretty sure a lot of people out there are using Tableau based on the very well attended Tableau event I attended about a week ago in Seattle. One ofRead More

If you get close to Power BI or having to install Power Query, you probably have asked yourself the question: “Is my Excel 2013 32bit or 64bit?” Here is a very quick way to find out: Open a blank orRead More

PowerQuery_2.20.3945.242 (64-bit) [en-us].msi, was announced by the Excel Team on 03/05/2015, if you have an older version installed, the above command will uninstall the older version as part of the upgrade process. It might be good to follow both theRead More
How likely would you attend the following session if it would be available for presentation at an event near you or online? That’s right, I am trying to see how interested you would be attending. Please comment! Self-Service BI –Read More